Tetroxy – vet
Oxytetracycline HCL I.P.(VET)…………………………….50mg
Water for Inj. I.P…………………………………………………..Q.S
Product Description
Oxytetracycline HCL I.P.(VET)…………………………….50mg
Water for Inj. I.P…………………………………………………..Q.SIndication:
Poultry: Respiratory tract infections, gastro intestinal infections, CRD, coryza, fowl
cholera, blue comb (non-specific enteritis), infectious synovitis.Cattle : Haemorrhagic septicaemia, black-quarter, anthrax, pneumonia,
enteritis, genito urinary tract infections, wound infections, mastitis,
brucellosis.Goat / Sheep: Pneumonia, CCPP, BCPP enterotoxemia, brucellosis
Horse: Pneumonia, strangles, enteritis, wound infections, joint ill,anthrax and
urino genital infections.Swine: Swine erysipelas, scour leptospirosis, joint ill,
navel-ill, pneumonia, atrophic rhinitis.
Cats & Dogs: Infectious enteritis, pneumonia, secondary bacterial complications
due to viral diseases, rickettsiosisDosage:
Cattle, Buffaloes, Horses, Foals,Calves, Pigs & Sheep : 5 -10 mg / kg /
day – intramuscular (I.M.), Slow intravenous (I.V.)Dogs & Cats :
10 mg / kg / day – I.M. reatment should be repeated 3 to 4 days at 24
hours intervals. If there is no response to treatment, the diagnosis and
therapy should be reviewed after 48 hours.Anaplasmosis in cattle requires
ten repeat treatments with dosage of 10 ml / 100 kg body weight.Withdrawal Period:
Milk : Nil
Meat : NilPresentation:
Net Content : 100 ml
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