VetVit AD3E

Composition :

Each 5 ml contains :

Vitamin A………………………… 2,50,000 IU
Vitamin D3…………………………. 25,000 IU
Vitamin E……………………………… 150 mg.
Vitamin C………………………………. 500 mg.
Protein hydrolysate………………..   10 mg.

  • Product Description

    Benefits :

    1. Highly useful in the following stress
    · Vaccination
    · Debeaking
    · Deworming
    · Handling
    · Transportation
    · Disease
    · Climatic disturbance etc.
    2. Improves egg production in layers.
    3. Increases growth and body weight in

    Dosage :

    7-10 days
    Chicks & Broilers starters :
    3ml / 100 birds
    Growers, Layers & Broilers finishers :
    5-10 ml / 100 birds
    (or) as advised by a veterinarian.

    Presentation :
    100 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, 5 ltr

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